mercredi 27 février 2019

3-Day Cardiac Diet: Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Days

When you are on a 3-day cardiac diet, it is necessary to consume a lot of heart-healthy foods. These foods include fruits, vegetables, and meals with high fiber & Omega-3 fatty acids content.

This article will introduce you to a 3-day cardiac diet. It will help you lose 10 pounds or more in 3 days.

But before then let’s shed more light on some of the foods that make up a cardiac diet. You need to know what to eat on a cardiac diet. It is very paramount!

See the different types of foods allowed in a cardiac diet below:

What Can You Eat on a Cardiac Diet?

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Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are unquestionably healthy foods. They charge your immune system and provide the necessary nutrients your body needs to function efficiently.

They also help to reduce inflammation.

The awesome fact is that every fruit and vegetable available is good for your body. This is as long you are eating them without using salts and sugars.

You should vary your vegetable intake each day. Also, try to consume more of the non-starchy options (such as potatoes).

Foods such as cauliflower, onion, and mushrooms, are extremely healthy.

Soluble Fiber

You will most likely think of fiber as being good for digestion. Yes, but you should also know that it is also a good component of a heart-healthy diet.

Soluble fiber is great for heart health(1). Consuming soluble fiber can help you lower your body cholesterol level.

Fibre also helps to manage blood sugar levels. You can get fiber in the following foods:

Ground flaxseed.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are present in fatty fish and also seen in some nuts and seeds. These fats help to reduce blood pressure and drop triglyceride levels.

Omega-3 fatty acids also help reduce the infliction of plague in the arteries & lower the risk of arrhythmias.

Doctors sometimes prescribe an Omega-3 supplement to patients on heart diet.

You can also consume omega-3 rich foods like Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, Herring, Ground Flaxseed, Walnuts, Hemp Seeds and Chia seeds.

Foods to Avoid During This 3 Day Cardiac Diet

Are you suffering from high blood cholesterol or any other cardiovascular health issues?

There are some foods you will have to avoid to keep your heart healthy.

Rather than focus on foods that are high in cholesterol while on a cardiac diet, reduce or stay away from trans-fats, saturated fats and also foods high in sugar & salt.

1.Trans Fats:
It is best for you if you consume zero of trans fats. This is because them with heart disease.

These types of fats are present in foods such as packaged cakes, packaged cookies, donuts, and muffins.

To maintain a healthy heart diet, you have to choose roasted or foods and drop fried ones.

Also consume red meat once or twice in a week (or less). Basically, reduce or stay off of fatty cuts of red meat and any fried food.

2. Salt:

Having too much salt in one’s diet is not good for human cardiovascular health. This is because additional sodium leads to an increase in blood volume in the blood vessels.

This thereby increases blood pressure which then makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body.

Sodium is present in foods such as; cereal, condiments, sauces, and sweets (such as cookies and cakes).

3. Sugar:

Consuming too much sugar leads to higher risk of heart diseases. Sadly, we are all guilty of excess sugar consumption. So we advise that you reduce your intake of sugar.

3-Day Cardiac Diet:



Black Coffee or Tea.
Dry Toast (a slice).
Peanut Butter (a tablespoon).

Tuna (½ cup).
Black Coffee or Tea.
Dry Toast (a slice) or 1 oz of Cheddar Cheese.

A Cup of String Beans.
An Apple (small).
A Cup of Carrots or Beets.
3 Oz. of any Lean Meat.
A Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream.



Black Coffee or Tea.
A slice of Dry Toast.
½ Banana.
One Egg.

Saltine Crackers (5).
Black Coffee or Tea.
A Cup of Cottage Cheese or ½ Cup of Tuna.

A Cup of Cabbage or Broccoli.
½ Banana.
½ Cup Carrots or Turnip Greens.
Two Beef Franks.
One Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream.

  • Black Coffee or Tea.
  • One Apple (small).
  • Saltine Crackers (5).
  • One ounce of Cheddar Cheese.
  • Black Coffee or Tea.
  • Dry Toast (One slice).
  • One Boiled Egg.
  • One Cup of Beans or Cauliflower.
  • One Cup of Melon.
  • ½ Cup of Tuna.
One Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream.
Warning: Due to the restricted calorie intake during this 3-day cardiac diet plan, it is important to stay away from any form of strength exercise. If at all you will be exercising, it should be minimal.

Within this 3-day diet plan, you can add the following cardiac diet recipes to your meals:

  • Lemon (as much as you want)
  • A dash of salt or pepper
  • Mustard
  • Cooking spray
  • Lemon pepper seasoning
  • Splenda
  • Sugar-free Gum/Mints.
Foods Substitute 3-day Cardiac Diet Plan
You can use the following food as substitutes for the ones in our 3-day cardiac diet plan.
Instead of Grapefruit, you can take any other piece of fruit in its place. For instance, orange, apple and a half teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in water (an hour before eating).
Try to tak 2 apricots, 2 kiwifruits or a cup of papaya.