jeudi 31 janvier 2019

WEIGHT LOSS 5 Ways How to Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight

How many times have you heard someone blaming slow metabolism for those extra pounds? Although metabolism cannot be the only reason for being overweight, boosting it can play a significant role in your weight loss journey.

So, you will see how to boost your metabolism and what food you should eat in order to speed up your metabolism.

But, first things first.

What is metabolism?
Basically, metabolism is all chemical reactions taking place in your body.

There are two categories: catabolism (creating energy for your body by breaking down molecules) and anabolism (making compounds necessary for cell functioning).

Well, that’s the definition.

When it comes to weight loss the term metabolism is often confused with metabolic rate – a number of calories your body burns. If your metabolic rate is higher than you have a fast metabolism and you burn more calories. Eventually, this means that you lose weight efficiently and easily.

Hence, when you say you have a slow metabolism you make a conclusion that your body turns calories into energy and spends them more slowly.

As a result, an excess amount of calories is stored as fat and fat layers.

Furthermore, when we talk about metabolism we must mention basal metabolic rate.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) represents a number of calories which your body burns while you are resting. So, while you are sleeping your body burns energy for the heartbeat, brain functioning, and other internal organs. BMR considers age, height, weight, and level of your daily activities.

You do exercise, eat healthily, but as time goes by you find it more difficult to maintain your ideal weight. Why is that so?

Research has shown that the basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories you burn while resting drops as we age for incredible 25 percent between 6 and 18, and then for 3 percent every decade of your life after you turn 20. Because of that, it isn’t surprising that is a common question how to increase metabolism after 40?

Luckily, there are ways to postpone the natural slowing down of metabolism, and all you need to do is make some little change in your lifestyle.

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How to increase metabolism to lose weight:
1. Burn fat
Fat is burned in the muscles, so you need to activate as many muscle fibers as possible. A recent study showed that people who are restless and always in a hurry spend even 352 calories more than those who aren’t.

Increasing daily activities which are not part of your regular exercising, but burn fat, such as walking, standing, and fidgeting you spend more calories, accelerate your metabolism, and maintain your weight.

Small, frequent moves may have a significant impact on your overall daily activities. Also, intensive training is very important.

Running burns more calories than jogging. On the other hand, jogging can increase the fat consumption.

With a variation of training you increase burning calories before and after running, your metabolism will benefit from that, and your training program will be balanced and interesting.

If you have an office job and you sit quite a lot in front of your computer, try to stand up for a couple of times during the day for at least 5-10 minutes. You will boost your metabolism and burn some calories as well.
2. Have a balanced diet
A lot of people think that the only way to lose weight is to stop eating.

Although fasting leads to losing weight, that’s a short-term result and you will face the yo-yo effect, or gaining weight very fast.

Consider your body as a machine which needs fuel to work, and that fuel is food. So, start eating.

You will accelerate your metabolism, but also balance your blood sugar and the level of hormones in your body.

Experts advise you to eat 1 hour after waking up and then every 3-4 hours in order to boost your metabolism.

Don’t eat at least two hours before bed.

When you are on a diet regime you should have small, frequent meals during the day. By eating smaller portions of food during the day you will boost your metabolism.

The most important meal is breakfast – it should contain proteins, fat, and carbs which will give you enough energy to start the day, wake up your organism and start your metabolism.

All meals should be made with healthy ingredients.

3. Eat high-protein foods
Chewing, biting and digesting acquire certain energy and they can burn up to 30 percent of the calories on your plate.

Eating food means more calories that your body needs to digest. That way you will speed up your metabolism. This is known as a thermic effect of food.

The more complex your meal is, the more calories you burn.

Proteins accelerate your metabolism much faster than fats and carbohydrates.

Another benefit of proteins is that they contain an amino acid called leucine, which helps you not to lose your muscle mass when you’re on a diet.

4. Drink plenty of water
A lot of research showed that people who drink 10 glasses of water daily have 12 times faster metabolism than those who drink only a few.

Do you want to lose 6 pounds a year?

Experts suggest drinking half a liter of water before breakfast.

That way you will always stay hydrated and fresh.

Drinking two glasses of water before every meal can help you lose up to 300 calories per day.

Avoid sodas and alcohol because drinking alcohol on a regular basis may cause blood sugar imbalance and fat layers on your belly.

If you can’t avoid alcohol choose red wine instead of liqueurs.

If you have to achieve better results, drink cold water because your body needs the energy to raise the temperature and that way it will burn more calories.

5. Exercise
Implement 2-3 power training in your weekly program – you will increase your muscles and burn at least 50 calories more during the day.  You will maintain your muscle mass even when you get older, and that will help you maintain a good metabolism as well.

The benefits of building your muscles are visible even when you get older.

One of the best ways for boosting metabolism is high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

If you’re already a fan of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and a cardio workout or you are familiar with this type of exercising, you know that it’s a fast and effective way to work out.

In addition, high-intensity interval training involves short, intense bursts of exercise with less intense moves or complete rest in between.

Hence, it’s very efficient—which means you will be spending less time in the gym each week while still burning all the fat, and boosting your metabolism, as some of the benefits.

How Much Weight Can You Lose in 2 Weeks?

In the 21st century, obesity is one of the leading health problems all over the world.

It is a one way street to cardiovascular problems, strokes, and hypertension.

So, it isn’t surprising that many people try to find the best solution for their weight loss problems every day.

If you have any extra weight problems, you probably wonder how much weight can you lose in a week without eating, how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days or how much weight can you lose in 2 weeks, for example?


The 2 most important things when it comes to weight loss are changing your diet habits and increasing your physical activities.

If you think you can lose weight fast by eating junk food or sitting all day, then you are quite wrong.

Well, let’s see how much pounds you can drop in 2 weeks and what are the most important steps to follow:

Step 1 – Facing the Reality
It is very hard to lose weight in two weeks.

Especially, a significant amount of weight.

Don’t expect extraordinary results fast.

Weight loss is a complex process.

So, prepare for the battle and don’t think about time.

Also, you shouldn’t try to lose weight overnight, if you don’t want to jeopardize your health. (1)

Step 2 – Change Your Bad Diet Habits
 balanced diet is the holy grail of weight loss.

If you want to do it successfully, then you should:

Avoid drinking sodas – This is one of the most common diet mistakes. Sodas have absolutely no benefits for your body – it is just sugar, sugar and sugar.

Stop drinking alcohol – Beer is especially high in calories and men know why because belly fat is often caused by excessive drinking

Stop eating junk food – French fries, chips, fat, butter, flakes, instant mashed potatoes, and bakery products are very, very unhealthy and you should avoid them when you are trying to lose weight. Snacks are loaded with fats, additives, and sugars, they contain small amounts of proteins and no fibers at all. Eating snacks on a daily basis combined with physical inactivity is a one way street to obesity, overweight, belly fat and different health problems. Avoid these foods if you want to lose weight.

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Step 3 – Increase Your Physical Activities
What to eat:
On the other hand, there are foods that are good for weight loss and your overall wellbeing:

High – protein foods like lentils, beans, and peas help you stay full for a long timeOmega – 3 fatty acids source such as salmon, trout, flax seeds, and nuts.High – fiber foods like apples, chia seeds, and whole grains.
Pro tip: Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to increase your metabolism and calorie burning rate.

Step 3 – Increase Your Physical Activities
Exercising is one of the most effective ways when it comes to losing weight. (2)

Furthermore, physical activities are essential for your health.

Here are some exercises which can speed up your weight loss process.

The plank is very effective when it comes to fat burning, especially belly fat burning.

The plank can help you get rid of fat layers around the belly, waist, also shape your buttocks, relieve the pain in your back, and speed up your metabolism. And build six pack abs, duh.

High-intensity interval training
If you’re already a fan of the high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or you are familiar with this type of exercising you know that it’s a fast and effective way to work out.

In addition, the high-intensity interval training involves short, intense bursts of exercise with less intense moves or complete rest in between.

Hence, it’s very efficient—which means you will be spending less time in the gym each week while still burning all the fat, and boosting your metabolism, as some of the benefits.

GRIT cardio
GRIT cardio is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which improves your cardiovascular endurance, accelerates your movements and makes your body burn calories long after your training.

Step 4 – Counting Calories
Although some try to underestimate the counting calories method, when it comes to weight loss calories do count.

You have to set up a goal – I want to lose x pounds in y time.

But, you need to know that not all calories are equal.

It’s not the same if you eat 100 calories of vegetable and 100 calories of french fries.

The calorie deficit approach doesn’t mean that you can eat whatever you want.

A balanced diet and regular exercising are still essential when it comes to weight loss.

Eat vegetables, high-fiber foods, and fruit.

If you count calories you can follow how much you eat, but still, that doesn’t mean you will be informed about the quality of your diet.

The best thing to do is to include the least processed foods from plants or animals in your diet.

Keep in mind that calorie counting is not suitable for everyone, but many people find it really effective for losing weight and staying fit.

Step 5 – Be Persistent
You got a diet plan from your nutritionist and you began with it.

Also, you started to work out, but you can’t see an improvement and the few extra pounds are still there.

Of course, you will feel disappointed and impatient.

Because of that, you need to give your best and follow your goals, and success will come for sure.

So, how much weight can you lose in 2 weeks?
Here’s the deal:

How much weight can you lose in 2 weeks depends on many factors: how much you try, which way you try, in what shape are you etc.

If you are doing everything well, you can lose maybe 3 or 4 pounds per week or 6-8 pounds in two weeks.

Maybe even more.

But, don’t exaggerate.

Fast weight loss may harm your health.

Also, for some people, the results may not be visible at the beginning, so that doesn’t mean you should give up.

Keep trying and you’ll see the results.


You don’t gain weight over the night so you can’t expect to lose it instantly.

How to Lose 40 Pounds in 3 Months?Amazin results

If you plan to look fit, healthy and to be a new person before summer, you have to start your weight loss journey right now.

Losing weight is not an easy job.

Especially, if you are trying to lose 40 pounds in 3 months.

But, you can do it.

If you set up a good plan and follow all the rules, you can see how your pounds melt in just a few months.

So, how to lose 40 pounds and fit into a tiny outfit 3 months from now?

1. Set up your goal

Setting up goals is a challenge and it can be a source of motivation which can help you lose weight healthily.

Of course, you shouldn’t have unreal expectations, like losing 40 pounds in 40 days.

Don’t expect extraordinary results fast.

Weight loss is a complex process.

Don’t forget, you want long-term results.

Losing weight overnight won’t bring you anything but the yo-yo effect.

2. Count your calories

Although some try to underestimate the counting calories method, when it comes to weight loss calories do count.

But, you need to know that not all calories are equal.

It’s not the same if you eat 100 calories of vegetable and 100 calories of french fries.

The calorie deficit approach doesn’t mean that you can eat whatever you want.

The most important thing is what kind of calories you intake.

So, put the nutritional value first when you choose your 1500 calories for that day.

The ratio of your macronutrients-proteins, fats, and carbs is important.

You can read how to count your macros in our guideline HERE.

So, let’s do some math:

If you want to lose 40 pounds in 12 weeks, you have to lose about 3 pounds per week.

Although many experts suggest losing 2 pounds per week, you can aim for a little bit higher result.

If you want to lose 3 pounds per week, you have to create a calorie deficit of about 1,300 calories per day.

It won’t be easy because you can’t eat 1,300 calories less.

The best thing to do is to eat 650 calories less and burn an additional 650 calories through exercise.

Also – you shouldn’t eat less than 1,200 calories per day.

Eating fewer calories can lead to muscle loss and slowing down your metabolism.

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3. Eat balanced food
When you are trying to cut down some pounds you should eat more often, but make sure to have smaller meals during the day.

By eating smaller portions during the day you will boost your metabolism.

Don’t forget, the most important meal is breakfast and that’s why it should be full with proteins, fat, and carbs which will provide enough energy to start the day and get some work done.

You should consider food made with healthy ingredients.

Foods to Eat:

You should eat low-calorie vegetables and fruits – green vegetables, for example, apples, oranges, lemons, grapefruitDrink plenty of water – at least 8 glasses per dayEat fish and other seafood

On the Other Hand, You Should Avoid:

Junk food – French fries, mayonnaise, ketchup, unhealthy snacksBread and pastaProcessed foods – delicatessenSweetsSodasAlcohol

You can check our list of foods to avoid HERE.
Also, there are some foods which are considered healthy but actually are fake healthy foods.

Fruit yogurt, granola bars, margarine, and cereals are on the list of food you shouldn’t eat.

So, it is very important that meals contain the necessary nutrients.

Diets that are based on one single type of food can be harmful to your health, so be careful.

If you want to have a healthy diet you need to include all types of food because that’s the right way to stay healthy and lose weight safely.

4. Increase Physical activities

Having a balanced diet solely can’ t be effective.

But, a balanced diet and exercising it’s the key to significant results. (1)

I suggest you try the plank for example.

The advantage of the plank is that it’s not time-consuming, you can do it anywhere you want, and it is beneficial for your entire body, not only for a particular group of muscles.

The plank is very effective when it comes to fat burning, especially belly fat.

The plank can help you get rid of fat layers around the belly, waist, shape your buttocks, relieve the pain in your back, and speed up your metabolism.

And build six pack abs.

The high-intensity interval training is efficient, too.

If you’re already a fan of the high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or you are familiar with this type of exercising you know that it’s a fast and effective way to work out.

In addition, the high-intensity interval training involves short, intense bursts of exercise with less intense moves or complete rest in between.

Hence, it’s very efficient—which means you will be spending less time in the gym each week while still burning all the fat, and boosting your metabolism, as some of the benefits.

GRIT cardio is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which improves your cardiovascular endurance, accelerates your movements and makes your body burn calories long after your training.

Walking, cycling, jogging or even running can be very helpful.

If you don’t like to spend time in the gym then you definitely have to try some cardio workouts you can do out every time you want.

The cardio workout involves any exercise that raises your heart rate from 60 to 85 heartbeats.

When you have that heartbeat span you are doing cardiovascular or aerobic training.

The cardio workout has a lot of health benefits.

It can burn calories, reduce the fat tissue, strengthen your heart and your lungs.

You can do cardio if you ride a bike, walk or run at the gym, swim, do aerobics, try HIIT or do some outdoor activities like rollerblading, running, jogging…

If you are already in shape, I suggest CrossFit.

5. Be persistent

A diet plan from a nutritionist-checked ✓

Exercising started-checked ✓

Extra pounds still there- checked ✓

We’ve all been there.

You started following the rules, but the results lack.

Remember, don’t give up right away, follow your goals and you will achieve them.

It’s important to get the support from your close ones when you start the weight loss journey.

They are the ones that can help you deal with any problems on the way and continue losing weight.

How To Count Calories To Lose Weight?

If you struggle with being overweight and constantly look for ways to shed those extra pounds then you ask yourself a lot of times how to count calories to lose weight?

If you do, you are certainly familiar with the approach called “Calories in, calories out”.

Basically, this approach means that you will maintain your ideal weight if you burn all the calories you intake per day.

Furthermore, that means that you will gain weight if you intake more calories than you burn and vice versa, which is the most important thing for our story today –that you will lose weight if you create calorie deficit – intake fewer calories that your body requires for your daily activities and BMR (basal metabolic rate) and burn some calories to create deficit. (1)

To find out what BMR is and how to calculate your daily calories requirements continue reading this text.

I will try to give answers to all your questions.

This counting calories guide will help you to understand better this common weight loss method.

You will find many people against this kind of losing weight who will tell you that simple maths is not enough to lose weight and live a healthier life.

But, they are not right.

Many studies show that counting calories can play a significant role in the weight loss process.

Nevertheless, you can’t rely only on this principle.

Weight loss is a complex process and counting calories without changing your lifestyle, exercising and eating balanced and varied food will lead you nowhere.

But, it is a very good start and it will help you in your weight loss battle which you will win, for sure.

So, grab your calculator and let’s get started with some adding and subtracting.

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What are calories?
Calories are tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes a little bit tighter every night
Although this is a big true, the official calorie definition is a little bit different:

A calorie is a unit of energy and it represents the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. It’s also known as a small calorie.

Food calorie definition
Kilogram calorie is defined in terms of the kilogram rather than the gram. It represents the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius. It is equal to 1000 small calories, 1 kilocalorie (kcal). Also, is known as a food calorie or a large calorie.

Actually, calories are an amount of energy in the food. Informing yourself how many calories your meal has can help you balance your nutrition and stop weight gaining.

Why do you gain weight?
Basically, if you gain weight it’s because you intake more calories than your body can burn because of lack of physical activity or overeating.

With food and drinks, you intake energy (calorie) in our body.  Your body then uses that energy for metabolic processes and physical activities. That means that you burn more calories if you do more physical activities (sport, jogging, walking, cycling etc).

So, to lose weight you should start burning those extra calories you intake through daily food and drinks.

And the best way to do that is to increase your daily physical activities. It doesn’t matter if that’s jogging or weight lifting, running, swimming, or cycling.

Sport is very important for burning calories.

Of course, you should be careful what kind of food you eat. Professional athletes usually say that the 2 most important things to stay in good shape are to exercise (train) and have a good and appropriate nutrition.

Recommended daily calorie intake
Recommended daily calorie intake varies across the world.

According to the United Nation, the average person’s minimum calorie requirement per day globally is 1,800 kilocalories.

The US authorities assert that the average male adult needs approximately 2,700 calories per day to keep his weight constant, whilst the average female adult needs 2,200.

UK authorities recommend 2,500 calories per day for men and 2,000 for women.

But, what are your daily calorie requirements?
The number of calories needed on daily basis depends on several factors, including your age, size, height, sex, lifestyle, and overall general health. For example, a young professional athlete can’t have same requirements as a 70-year-old woman.

So, it is individual. It depends on age, gender, height, weight, and lifestyle, of course.

You don’t burn the same amount of calories each day, so nutrition has to be adjusted to your daily activities.

How to calculate your daily calorie requirements?
For me, the best way to calculate your approximate amount of calorie is with the Harris-Benedict equation.

The Harris–Benedict equation (also called the Harris–Benedict principle) is a method used to estimate an individual’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) and daily kilocalorie requirements. The estimated BMR value is multiplied by a number that corresponds to the individual’s activity level.
If you remember at the beginning of this story I mentioned BMR.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) represents a number of calories which your body burns while you are resting.

So, while we are sleeping our body burns energy for the heartbeat, brain functioning, and other internal organs. BMR considers age, height, weight, and level of your daily activities.

The Harris – Benedict equation has two steps.

In the first step, you have to calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate)

In the second step, you have to multiply your BMR results with the level of your activities.

But, we have to go step by step.

1. BMR calculation:

For women:
Metric formula:

BMR= 665+ ( 9.6 x body mass in kilograms)+(1.7 x body height in cm)-(4.7  x ages)

Imperial formula:

655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

Example: If your height is 167 centimeters, your weight is 55 kilograms and your age is 29, then,

BMR= 665+ ( 9.6 x 55)+(1.7 x 167)-(4.7  x 29) which means that the required calorie intake for BMR is 1341 kcal.

For men:

Metric formula:
BMR= 66+(13.7 x body mass in kilograms)+(5 x body height in cm)-(6.8 x ages)
Imperial formula:
66 + (6.23 x your weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)
Example: If your weight is 100 kilograms, your height is 190 centimeters and your age is 40, then,
BMR= 66+(13.7 x 100)+(5 x 190)-(6.8 x 40) which means that the required calorie intake for BMR is 2014 kcal.
And here comes the second part.
2. Now, you have to multiply these results with the level of activities.
You have to find where you are in this table, or basically find what’s adequate for your lifestyle.
1.0 – You are sitting, sleeping, with no physical activity at all
1.2 – Very light physical activity
1.4 – Light physical activity, walking at least once a day
1.6 – Exercising a few times during the week (most common)
1.8 – Hard work and exercising twice a day
2.0 – hard work and hard training regime every day
Now, you have to multiply the results from the BMR equation with the level of your activities.
For example, if your BMR result was 1341  kcal/per day and your level of activity is 1.6 the result will be:
1341 x 1.6 = 2145 kcal/per day
That means that your body, combined with your lifestyle requires 2145 kcal/per day (example).
NOTE: This is framework data and it serves for information purposes. The results of the equation can vary and they depend on many different factors. If you have any doubts consult your nutritionist.
How to count calories to lose weight?
When you calculate your daily calorie requirements then you can start with your calorie deficit plan.
First, you have to set up your goal – I want to lose X pounds in Y time.
It is important to know that 1 pound of fat has about 3500 calories.
So, if you want to lose 5 pounds of fat than you should create a 17500 calorie deficit. If you want to lose 5 pounds in one month than your calorie deficit should be 17500 calories in 30 days. That means that your daily calorie deficit has to be 583 calories.
The difference between the calories you intake and the calories you burn (BMR + exercising) has to be 583 calories. Or, you could eat 583 calories less than your daily requirements based on the equation mentioned above.
So, if you consume 2500 calories per day then in order to lose 5 pounds of fat in a month you need to consume only 1917 calories per day. Or, you may split those 583 calories – consume just 300 calories less and burn the remaining 283 through exercising. This is much better and you will get better long term results.
Here you can see what you have to do to burn 100 calories.
How to burn 100 calories?Burning calories
Swimming: 8 mins
Running: 12 mins
Jogging: 14 mins
Walking: 26 mins
Maybe all the numbers seem complicated right now, but you should consider calorie counting as a game.
Compete with yourself.
Set up goals high and try to reach them.
How to count calories in food?
How to count calories to lose weightThese days food labels are fulfilled with food information, so if you prepare your food you can easily calculate how many calories you eat per day by reading from the label.
If you eat outside then you should ask the waiter to give you a menu with the exact calorie data for each meal.
For example, McDonald’s has had an exact calorie data for each meal for years.

mercredi 30 janvier 2019

How to Count Macros for Weight Loss?

If you struggle with being overweight and constantly look for ways to shed those extra pounds then you ask yourself a lot of times how to count calories to lose weight?

If you do, you are certainly familiar with the approach called “Calories in, calories out”.

Basically, this approach means that you will maintain your ideal weight if you burn all the calories you intake per day.

Furthermore, that means that you will gain weight if you intake more calories than you burn and vice versa, which is the most important thing for our story today –that you will lose weight if you create calorie deficit – intake fewer calories that your body requires for your daily activities and BMR (basal metabolic rate) and burn some calories to create deficit. (1)

To find out what BMR is and how to calculate your daily calories requirements continue reading this text.

I will try to give answers to all your questions.

This counting calories guide will help you to understand better this common weight loss method.

You will find many people against this kind of losing weight who will tell you that simple maths is not enough to lose weight and live a healthier life.

But, they are not right.

Many studies show that counting calories can play a significant role in the weight loss process.

Nevertheless, you can’t rely only on this principle.

Weight loss is a complex process and counting calories without changing your lifestyle, exercising and eating balanced and varied food will lead you nowhere.

But, it is a very good start and it will help you in your weight loss battle which you will win, for sure.

So, grab your calculator and let’s get started with some adding and subtracting

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What are calories?
A calorie is a unit of energy and it represents the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.
Basically, a calorie is an energy that we get from food.

Calories that you intake with food come from carbs, proteins, and fats.

Protein has 4.1 calories per gram.

Carbohydrates have 4.3 calories per gram.

Fat has 9 calories per gram.

Every nutrient has a different role in your body, but what’s important when it comes to weight loss and weight gain is the total intake of calories. (1)

So, how to count macros for weight loss?
In order to lose weight, you need to intake fewer calories than your body needs – that way, you encourage your body to burn fat for energy.

If you reduce the intake of calories for 3500 per week or 500 per day, you can lose about a pound of fats per week.

For example, if you need 2000 calories a day to maintain your current body weight, you need to reduce the intake of calories to 1500 so that you lose weight.

Macronutrients and Weight Loss:

Carbs and Weight Loss

Whenever you read something about weight loss, you will notice that carbs are on the forbidden list.

But, they play a big part of the total intake of calories – 45 to 65 % of calories in your diet comes from carbohydrates.

However, not all carbs are a good choice if you are on a special diet to cut down some weight.

You will be more successful in losing weight and maintaining your body weight if you eat healthy, unprocessed carbohydrates like wholegrain cereals, fruit, and vegetables.

Avoid processed carbs such as white bread, pasta, sweets, and soda.

Studies show that gaining weight is connected to the intake of unhealthy carbs.

In a diet with 1500 calories, 675 to 975 should come from carbs, which is 170 to 245 g a day.

This range of calories allows you to find a healthy diet for your own taste.

Proteins and Weight Loss
Many popular diets encourage you to eat fewer proteins in order to lose weight.

However, one study showed that people on diets who intake a high amount of proteins and fats and low amount of carbs lose more weight than those on diets with low intake of fats.

Bear in mind that long-term effects of diets with a low amount of carbs aren’t investigated so it’s not sure whether to start such a diet.

Many diet guides recommend in taking 10 to 35 calories from proteins to stay healthy.

When you have a diet with 1500 calories, 150 to 525 calories should come from proteins.

That is 38 to 131 proteins a day.

But it’s better to stick with the higher number since many women need at least 46 g of proteins daily, even when they have diets with fewer calories.

Also, you need to consider ingredients that are high in proteins and are good for weight loss, but also have good quality.

You need to intake proteins from healthy sources like:

lean meat,poultry,fish,eggs,beans,soy,low-fat dairy products.

Fats and Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, the same thing happens with fats as with carbs.

They are cut out of every list.

And this is not right.

A partial explanation is that fats are a concentrated source of calories.

But, fats are an important part of your diet.

As with these other two macronutrients, diet guides offer a range of calories that should come from fats: 20 to 35 percent.

That is or 300 to 525 calories for a diet with 1500 calories, to stay healthy.

That’s 33 to 58 g of fat a day.

The fats you intake when you are on a diet should come from healthy sources like avocado and nuts.

Popular Keto diet is based on an increased intake of fats and decreased intake of carbs.

Nevertheless, consult your doctor or nutritionist if you need help to determine what diet regime is appropriate for your lifestyle.

So, what’s the bottom line?
You always hear how you need to intake fewer calories than you need.

But the most important thing is what kind of calories you intake.

So, put the nutritional value first when you choose your 1500 calories for that day.

Carbs, proteins, and fats are absolutely necessary for every diet.

Eat diverse food and apply rules such as using a smaller plate to fool your brain and think you eat more food than when you use a bigger plate.

Eat high-fiber foods,  fruits, zero calorie foods, nuts, vegetables.

The key to weight loss and maintaining your ideal weight is finding the right type of diet that you can use for your entire life, no matter if it’s based on carbs, fats, or proteins.

What is Yo-Yo Dieting and How to Prevent It?

You managed to lose weight after a lot of giving up and you are finally satisfied with your look.


However, you shouldn’t relax now if you want to maintain your ideal weight.

Unfortunately, that can sometimes be very hard.

You often end up having the so-called yo-yo dieting.

What is yo-yo dieting?

When you are on a diet you intake fewer calories and then your body spends those calories slowly and it stores them.

That happens until you are on a diet.

But, when you stop taking care what’s on the menu and you start eating more food (especially unhealthy) your body relaxes and you start gaining weight again.

Then you suffer from the yo-yo effect.

The more rigorous the diet is the bigger the yo-yo effect is.

What actually happens?

Your body defends itself from the drastic diet by slowing down your basal metabolism.

That’s the energy necessary for your organs’ normal functioning; the energy that helps us breathe and makes our heart beat.

Afterwards, your body starts an energy saving regime.

Also, your muscles decrease because your body spends more energy from the muscles than from the fat layers to secure energy for your organs.

In addition, your metabolism slows down as a response to your strict diet regime.

If you lose a significant number of pounds very fast your basal metabolism slows down 30%.

And that’s the issue with strict diets.

Instead of burning fat layers quickly, you lose muscles, the fat layers remain there and in the end, you re-gain pounds. (1)

But, there’s a solution.

So, how to prevent yo-yo effect?

Here you can see 5 ways how you can prevent yo-yo dieting.

1. Listen to your stomach
Being hungry between meals is more dangerous than greasy food and sweets.
Hunger makes you eat more often between meals and it affects your diet habits badly.

That’s why you should stick to your diet schedule and don’t skip meals.
You should try eating fruit instead of junk food between meals.
Furthermore, in most cases, you are not even that hungry.

You might be thirsty.

If you feel hungry between meals try drinking a glass of water and wait for a while.

Or, try drinking green tea instead.

2. Watch your diet
Divide your food in 4, 5, or even 6 meals.

If you divide the daily amount of food in 5 meals your metabolism will be much faster and you will slim down more effectively.

Many obese people make a mistake and have only 2 meals per day.

Also, there’s a rule not to eat 4 hours before sleeping.

If you adopted healthy habits during your diet, don’t throw them away easily after you finish your diet because you won’t accomplish anything like that.

You should always have healthy diet habits so that you can maintain your ideal weight with no problems.

So, continue eating salad as an entrée instead of creamy soups, and fruit instead of cakes for dessert.

In addition, be careful when buying food.

The declaration on the ingredients can protect you from unwanted calories.

Many healthy products are fake healthy foods and they are full of harmful additives.

3. Put away the scale
You lost weight.

After a while you still weigh yourself and you are closer to your unwanted weight.

You realize that and you feel a bit down and you reach for food and you end up overeating.

Your current weight doesn’t always mean you aren’t in a good shape.

Sportsmen are heavier than people who don’t do any exercise because muscles weigh more than fat tissue.

So put away the scales and don’t bother weighing yourself every day.

Control your weight by trying your favorite mini skirt.

4. Plan cheat days

Even you might be strong-willed, it’s difficult to give up unhealthy food for good.

You may feel weaker sooner or later and you may crave unhealthy food.

Well, to avoid that you should sometimes take a small portion of your favorite “off the list” food.

That’s less harmful than overeating during the holiday period when you want to eat everything that you are avoiding.

5. Be active
You won’t get good results if you are on a diet and you don’t increase your physical activity.

You should increase the energy spending after your diet if you want to keep your ideal weight.

Because you intake more calories after your diet, you should consider increasing physical activities, too.

You can run, jog, go to the gym, and try the plank, HIIT and CrossFit.

Also, you can spend calories by grass mowing, using the stairs rather than the elevator, or walking.

Walking is the most natural way of exercising.

Walk regularly and change the pace from time to time.

dimanche 27 janvier 2019

This 90 Day Diet Will Help You Lose Up to 55 Pounds

Besides weight reduction, this diet can help you change your metabolism which can maintain your healthy weight, once you get in this the period of 90 days you can lose up to 39 pounds:

So if you’re not aiming for that much it’s recommended that you stop the diet earlier.

The flow of this diet is the following:

  1. Protein day
  2. Starch day
  3. Carbohydrate day
  4. Fruit day

The 90 Day Diet Meal Plan

 Click on the picture below To save this recipe to remember it

Protein day:

Breakfast: your breakfast in the course of these 90 days should consist of pair of fruits for example, 2 pears, 2 apples, 2 oranges, or a cup of berries. You must be careful and not change the sequence of the days.
Lunch: your lunch should include boiled, or roasted meat, some slice of bread, and you can eat as much salad as you please. Make sure you eat your soup without the noodles. If you are not a fan of meat, try substituting it with 3 boiled or fried eggs. On the protein day, you’re allowed to eat cheese, or drink milk, but if you do, you must cut your meat and eggs to half.
Dinner: you should the same as you had for lunch, but half the portion and be sure you don’t eat any bread or soup.
There should be a pause of around 4 hours between meals.

Starch day

Lunch: your lunch should include cooked beans, peas, rice, potatoes and you can add different spices, a slice of bread and a salad.
Dinner: eat half of whatever combination you had for lunch
Make sure you make a break of at least 3 hours between meals

Carbohydrates day

Lunch: Eat some pasta with mixed spices, or a vegetarian pizza with ketchup
Dinner: This is your lucky day since you will be able to eat 4 cookies or 3 balls of ice cream and be sure you’ve a row of chocolate with 70 % cocoa.
Make a break of 3 hours between meals

Fruit day

Lunch & Dinner: Mixed fruit for lunch and dinner.

Water day

After a 29-day cycle, a day of drinking only water follows. You are allowed to drink unlimited amounts of tea and coffee. Once you finish the 90 days of the diet you can start eating normally, but keep the fruit in your breakfast. You’ll notice that in the next 3 months you’ll lose another 3 kilos, which is a sign that your metabolism is changing for the better.
Although it might seem a bit complicated the diet is really simple once you get used to it. The different products which are consumed during the diet have a special purpose in the proper functioning of your body. For example, chocolate stops allergies which might appear when you are on a diet and fruit will give you energy in the morning.
Mote: Be sure you monitor your blood pressure and conduct regular blood tests.